Annual Dues and Membership
January 2024
Dear Nedonna Beach Neighbor,
The Nedonna Beach Neighborhood Association would like to invite you to join/rejoin our membership in 2024. Thank you if you have already paid your 2024 dues. If you have not previously been a member or are new to our community, please consider joining our Association.
“The purpose of the NBNA is to help build the Nedonna Beach community, facilitate members communicating with each other, and to provide a voice for community concerns. The NBNA is a true grassroots, volunteer-run organization.” –
Although our scope is limited, we have made substantial contributions to the Nedonna Beach neighborhood. The NBNA has accomplished some significant things for a non-regulatory organization focusing on communication and networking around common concerns.
Membership dues per family are $25 for the year, January – December. Membership includes one vote per property on association matters.
Associate Membership is $10.
Extended family, frequent guests and interested parties can receive email updates and news.
Dues can be paid online by going to the main page of the NBNA website. The yellow paypal “donate” button will allow you to pay your membership. Note your payment as 2024 dues and your Nedonna address.
You can mail your payment to: NBNA, PO Box 613, Rockaway Beach, Oregon 97136.
**Donations to support specific committees or general efforts can be made through Paypal when you pay your dues.
If you are looking for ways to be involved with our community, to engage your family in community service, or to support the efforts of the Association, there are a variety of committees needing people with diverse skill sets.
Opportunities include:
- Roads – join work crews on pre-scheduled days
- Neighborhood Watch – keep an eye out in your part of the neighborhood and report concerns
- Emergency Preparedness and Evacuation Routes – join work crews on pre-scheduled days
- Nedonna Marsh – support efforts in a variety of ways.
- Guidance around non-profit status for grant opportunities
- We have positions open on our board.
As a board, we meet every couple of months. Our annual, membership-wide meeting is traditionally scheduled each year to coincide with the July 4th holiday.
We are very excited about the coming year and with your help and support, we can accomplish great things.
Cheryl Bland 🙂 – Chairperson
Nedonna Beach Neighborhood Association
Accomplishments of the NBNA in 2024 include:
Membership and Communication
- January mailing to all property owners, including preparedness materials and evacuation maps to all addresses
- Increased membership from 166 in 2022 to 187 in 2023
- Emailed newsletters, updated webpage, and initiated a Winter Network for communication
- Nedonna Beach Residents group on Facebook
- Annual meeting held in-person in July.
Neighborhood Watch and Safety
- Re-established a Neighborhood Watch committee, developed a private Facebook Group for residents and Neighborhood Watch members to communicate directly
- Partnered with the Rockaway Beach Volunteer Fire Department and Nedonna Fire District for communication of safety issues.
- Distributed “No Fireworks” signs for 4th of July use by neighbors.
- Member donations funded the chemical toilet and dumpster (May – October) at the Section Line parking area.
Tillamook PUD grant received to install street light in parking area at Section Line
Preparedness and Evacuation
- 60 neighbors and volunteers participated in the first Walk-a-Donna as part of the Oregon Great ShakeOut on October 19.
- The NBNA maintains two sheds where property owners can store supplies to be used in case of an emergency evacuation.
- Worked with Oregon Coast Railroad to improve railroad track crossing points on evacuation routes.
- Improved beach access trails between the beach and Beach.
Maintained unimproved roads and communicated with Tillamook County about paved roads. We are continuing with road maintenance projects that are funded by membership dues and donations.
- We worked with staff and students of Neah Kah Nie High School who volunteered to support Walkadonna.
- Continued support of the Tillamook Pioneer History Museum and Nedonna Marsh and Woods restoration.
- The Tillamook County Sheriff’s Department met with our Neighborhood Watch Committee, provided regular drive-by checks in our neighborhoods, and placed the speed sign on Nedonna to address speeding drivers.
- The NBNA supports the Nedonna Beach Rural Fire District, Beachfront Homeowners Association (of Nedonna Beach), and the Neah Kah Nie School District in matters that impact the Nedonna Beach community and adjacent natural areas.
- Maintained communications between Nedonna Beach, the City of Rockaway Beach, Tillamook County, Oregon State Parks, Tillamook County Parks, Tillamook County Sheriff, Oregon State Police, Tillamook County Maintenance, and Tillamook County Roads.
Committee Opportunities include:
- Roads – join work crews on pre-scheduled days
- Neighborhood Watch – keep an eye out in your part of the neighborhood and report concerns
- Emergency Preparedness and Evacuation Routes – join work crews on pre-scheduled days
- Nedonna Marsh – support efforts in a variety of ways
- Guidance around non-profit status for grant opportunities
- We have two positions open on our board.
Accomplishments of the NBNA in 2022 include:
Accomplishments of the NBNA in 2022 include:
Membership and Communication
● January mailing to all property owners, including preparedness materials and evacuation maps to all addresses
● Increased membership from 120 in 2021 to 166 in 2022
● Emailed newsletters, updated webpage, and initiated a Winter Network for communication
● Updated Bylaws – Change in board member term limit, added associate members
● Annual meeting held in-person in July
Neighborhood Watch and Safety
● Re-established a Neighborhood Watch committee, developed a private Facebook Group for residents and Neighborhood Watch members to communicate directly
● Partnered with the Rockaway Beach Volunteer Fire Department and Nedonna Fire District for communication of safety issues, to clear an emergency fire lane to the beach from Section Line Road, and to maintain all beach access points.
● Distributed “No Fireworks” signs for 4th of July use by neighbors.
● Member donations funded the chemical toilet and dumpster (May – October) at the Section Line
parking area.
● Tillamook PUD grant received to install street light in parking area at Section Line
Preparedness and Evacuation
● Replaced and restocked McMillan Creek Reservoir Evacuation shed. The NBNA maintains two sheds where property owners can store supplies to be used in case of an emergency evacuation.
● Improving railroad track crossing points on evacuation routes.
● Began rope and post switchback trail at Section Line
● Maintained unimproved roads and communicated with Tillamook County about paved roads. We are continuing with road maintenance projects that are funded by membership dues and donations.
● Supported the Tillamook Pioneer History Museum and Nedonna Marsh and Woods restoration.
● Constructed bench in marsh to honor Jack Ferris
● Shared information about environmental impact topics including drinking water, sensitive ecosystems, and eradicating the invasive sand-burr and scotch broom that has been overwhelming our lots.
● Supported Nedonna Beach Rural Fire District, Beachfront Homeowners Association (of Nedonna Beach), and the Neah Kah Nie School District in matters that impact the Nedonna Beach community and adjacent natural areas.
● Maintained communications between Nedonna Beach, the City of Rockaway Beach, Tillamook County, Oregon State Parks, Tillamook County Parks, Tillamook County Sheriff, Oregon State Police, Tillamook County Maintenance, and Tillamook County Roads.
Upcoming & Ongoing Projects Include:
- Roads
- Preparedness
- Porto-Potty
- Beach Signs
- Neighborhood Watch
- Nedonna Marsh