October News 2022

Burn Ban Update

The burn ban for burn barrels and open piles for residential burning will be lifted on Saturday October 15th.  This includes all areas protected by the department. Remember that you need a permit to burn, and the permits are available at City Hall and the Fire department as well as online on the city website on the fire department page. If you have any questions, please contact me at 503-374-1752 or email thesse@corb.us.

Oregon’s Great Shake Out – Thursday, October 20

This year’s International ShakeOut Day is on Thursday, October 20. Millions of people worldwide participate in drills at work, at school, and at home. At 10:20 am on October 20, you can join people all over the state by practicing, or reviewing earthquake safety. Oregon Great ShakeOut

Nedonna Beach Neighborhood Associations maintains evacuation routes and storage facilities to meet the needs of our community during extreme emergencies. We encourage you to walk the evacuation trail associated with your property. Questions about storing items in evacuation facilities can be directed to gillianmholbrook@gmail.com

Evacuation Map

Neighborhood Watch

We had our first neighborhood watch meeting via zoom and are still in need of participants. Please let us know if you would like to be involved in neighborhood watch. We realize everyone has different schedules, so if you can’t make a meeting but would still like to be involved, we can send you a recap after each meeting.

Topics discussed were: placing neighborhood watch signs throughout the neighborhood, assigning a neighborhood watch “lead” for each street, setting up a neighborhood contact directory, and creating a private Facebook group for NBNA members.

As of now, we are determining where neighborhood watch signs should be placed and get approval from the city and county before ordering. A private Facebook group will be set up through the Nedonna Beach Facebook page and invites will be sent out to NBNA members once set up.

Watch out for an email blast for the next neighborhood watch meeting once a date is set. Hope to see you at the next one! Contact Kim Brown if interested remaxagentkim@gmail.com

Wintering in Nedonna

Neighbors have asked us to create a network for those who stay in Nedonna over the winter months of 2022 and 2023 (November – March). This information will be shared only with those who are on the list, allowing them to contact one another in case of extreme weather, outages, or other urgent events. Complete the form at this link Wintering in Nedonna